Really I dont seam why everyone hates it it is pretty fun It is a very fun if you love the graal community it is a very fun game
Really I dont seam why everyone hates it it is pretty fun It is a very fun if you love the graal community it is a very fun game
Great game. Just make the map better and sometimes the colours of the bodies lag!
This game has alot of potential, very smooth and good to look at. Well done graphics team.
I dont like how everything is so expensive and I dont like how you have to pay for the app that has the + on it make it free like the other graals.
Why is non + free while + isnt free,if it was free you guy would have gotten more money from children that buy (currency of each game) and you guy would have enough r to make more games
I love this game cause its like minecraft with exp and mining and cutting trees and even crafting
The game is really good but it has quite a few faults and weird weapons.I feel like there are many more ways to get gralats but the weapons are weird. You can get a fast attacking nice for 1000 that does 7 damage or a medium speed attacking sword for 5000 and I get banned for "hacking" yet I never hacked before
It is a bit laggy for me in which prevents me to shoot quickly and to pk other players. Also, not a big of a fan on paying for the customization of my character
It crashes when I just start please fix it
I played all of the other Graal games and loved them but this one just has something different.
:D just got bored of Era
Wel first of all i have always thought the graal games as the best games until there is graal oi west but second of all you must buy a pass to customize your person if you dont have plus?! Horrible i know you can do better than this
Fix problem with buying house becuase I cant even farm
Ik that graal ol west just started so there less admins. Well there few bugs in this game which they have to fix but in the future I hope they make more improvements! Cuz this game is looking good, Lots of animations which I like! And further more umm just wait until it gets better
Make character customization free plz!
Continue upgrade this game its cool!But farming is almost down...If you maked lower prices of corps than make lower hours and minutes of farming!
Very good
When there were more admins on, there where crazy loads off events and fun stuff happening. It is truly sad seeing that go away slowly and slowly. If more admins are in the server then this game is pretty much a perfect mobile MMO.
Really fun.
I have to say this is one if the best games I have played in my life. The game has the graphics, great control (not that easy on iPhone/iPod touch), the soundtrack is amazing, the only thing that I think that is a con is the prices for certain guns. But in the end this is the best game I have ever played.